Happy Republic Day 2016, Images, Quotes, SMS, Wishes

Sunday, 24 January 2016

26 January Republic Day Speech in Hindi 2016

Indian Republic Day Speech: India got its freedom on 15 August 1947 as a sacred government with George VI as head of state and the Earl Mountbatten as representative general. The nation, however, did not yet have a perpetual constitution; rather its laws were focused around the changed pioneer Government of India Act 1935. On 28 August 1947, the Drafting Committee was selected to draft a changeless constitution, with Dr.b. R. Ambedkar as executive. While India's Independence Day praises its flexibility from British Rule, the Republic Day celebrates of coming into power of its constitution.

So celebrate this Republic Day by wishing Happy Republic Day 2016 by sending Happy Republic Day 2016 Images, Happy Republic Day Wishes, Happy Republic Day SMS, Happy Republic Day Quotes & Happy Republic Day Speech.
Here we will share the Happy Republic Day Speech for students in Hindi. So enjoy and read full speech on republic day 2016.

Live Indian Republic Day 2016 Speech in hindi for kids, childrens

भारत की आजादी 15 अगस्‍त 1947 के बाद कई बार संशोधन करने के पश्चात भारतीय संविधान को अंतिम रूप दिया गया जो 3 वर्ष बाद यानी 26 नवंबर 1950 को आधिकारिक रूप से अपनाया गया। तब से 26 जनवरी को हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाते आ रहे हैं। इस बार हम 66वाँ गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएँगे।

भारतीय लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था ने कई उतार-चढ़ाव देखे हैं और इस दौरान लोगों में लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था के प्रति असंतोष भी व्याप्त होता गया। असंतोष का कारण भ्रष्ट शासन और प्रशासन तथा राजनीति का अपराधिकरण रहा। भारत में बहुत से ऐसे व्यक्ति और संगठन हैं जो भारतीय संविधान के प्रति श्रद्धा नहीं रखते।
happy republic day 2015, happy republic day Speech, Speech on Republic Day

व्यर्थ है असंतोष : इस अश्रद्धा का कारण हमारा संविधान नहीं है। माओवादी जैसे पूर्वोत्तर के अन्य संगठन आज भी यदि सक्रिय है तो कारण सिर्फ इतना है कि भ्रष्ट गैर जिम्मेदार राजनीतिज्ञों और अपराधियों के चलते उनका लोकतंत्र से विश्वास उठ गया। लेकिन समझने वाली बात यह है कि लादी गई व्यस्था और तानाशाह कभी दुनिया में ज्यादा समय तक नहीं चल पाया। माना कि लोकतंत्र की कई खामियाँ होती है, लेकिन तानाशाही या धार्मिक कानून की व्यवस्था व्यक्ति स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार छीन लेती है, यह हमने देखा है। जर्मन और अफगानिस्तान में क्या हुआ सभी जानते हैं। सोवियत संघ क्यों बिखर गया यह भी कहने की बात नहीं है। भविष्य में देखेंगे आप चीन को बिखरते हुए।
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लोकतंत्र को परिपक्व होने दें : हमें विश्व के सबसे बड़े लोकतांत्रिक देश होने का गर्व है। हमारा लोकतंत्र धीरे-धीरे परिपक्व हो रहा है। हम पहले से कहीं ज्यादा समझदार होते जा रहे हैं। धीरे-धीरे हमें लोकतंत्र की अहमियत समझ में आने लगी है। सिर्फ लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था में ही व्यक्ति खुलकर जी सकता है। स्वयं के व्यक्तित्व का विकास कर सकता है और अपनी सभी महत्वाकांक्षाएँ पूरी कर सकता है। जो लोग यह सोचते हैं कि इस देश में तानाशाही होना या कट्टर धार्मिक नियम होने चाहिए वे यह नहीं जानते कि पाकिस्तान और अफगानिस्तान में क्या हुआ। वहाँ की जनता अब खुलकर जीने के लिए तरस रही है। ये सिर्फ नाम मात्र के देश हैं।
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लोकतंत्र बनेगा गुणतंत्र : हमारा समाज परिवर्तित हो रहा है। मीडिया जाग्रत हो रही है। जनता भी जाग रही है। युवा सोच का विकास हो रहा है। शिक्षा का स्तर बढ़ रहा है। टेक्नोलॉजी संबंधी लोगों की फौज बढ़ रही है। इस सबके चलते अब देश का राजनीतिज्ञ भी सतर्क हो गया है। ज्यादा समय तक शासन और प्रशासन में भ्रष्टाचार, अपराध और अयोग्यता नहीं चल पाएगी तो हमारे भविष्य का गणतंत्र गुणतंत्र पर आधारित होगा, इसीलिए कहो....गणतंत्र की जय हो।

Hope you liked Happy Republic Day 2016 Speech and amazing stuff related to Happy Republic Day Speech in Hindi. For more Happy Republic Day 2016 Speech for Students you can keep visiting us. Stay tuned to us more more latest updates and keep sharing on social networking sites like Facebook, Stumble On, Google+ and Twitter.

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  • Happy Republic Day 2016
  • Speech on Republic Day 2016
  • Indian Speech on republic day

26 January Parade Tickets (R-DAY) (Republic Day 2016) How To Book Online ?

How To Buy Online 26 January 2016 Parade Tickets

This Post You Will Get The Republic Day Parade Ticket Availability,Republic Day Parade Ticket Book Online,26 January Parade Ticket Book Online,26 January 2016 Parade Ticket Availability,Where To Buy Republic Day Parade Ticket 2016..You Can Find The Exact Place To Find The 26 January Parade Ticket..

26 January 2016 Parade Place Or Tickets {Mandatory Items}

The Ministry Of Defence Which Is In Charge Of The Over Two Hour Long Parade At Rajpath,Has Made It Mandatory To Show Identity Proof Like A Voter ID Car,Adhar Card OR State government Issued identity proof for purchasing Tickets…Due To The Heightened Security And The Presence Of The US President We Have Made ID Proof Compulsory For Ticket Buyers An Official At A Ticket Counter In South Block In Central Delhi To IANS..

26 January 2016 Tickets Price 

This Year The MOD Has Also Limited The Category Of Ticket Being Sold To Rs,10,rs.50 and rs.300.Earlier There Used To Be Other Categories Of Rs.200 And Rs.250..
Of The Total 26 Enclosures Spanning The Two Sides Of Rajpath,Only Six Are For Ticketed Spectators..Those Paying Rs.300 Sit Closer The VIP Enclosures,While Those Purchasing the lower amount tickets get seats farther away.every Year 30,000 People including VVIPS And Digitaries Watch The Ceremonial Parade Showcasing India’s Military Might And Cultural Glimpses Along Rajpath Which Extends Fro Three Kilometres From Raisina hills to India Gate..
Hope You like this articles stay connect with us for more updates.don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social networking site..

Happy Republic Day 2016 Whatsapp Status, SMS, Messages & Images

Happy Republic Day 2016

Happy Republic Day 2016/Happy Republic Day 2016 Hindi wishes for Whatsapp/Republic Day Whatsapp Hindi msgs/ Republic Day Whatsapp Status, Happy Republic Day Hindi wishes

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Wish you and your family a very Happy Republic Day. This is the day when the Indian Constitution come into existence. You all must be looking for latest Happy Republic Day Hindi wishes for Whatsapp, Republic Day Hindi msgs, Republic Day Hindi Status, Republic Day patriotic messages then you are at the right place.Here you can get latest collection of amazing Happy Republic Day 2016 Hindi wishes for Whatsapp 
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Happy Republic Day 2016 Whatsapp Status, SMS, Messages

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happy republic day 2015, happy republic day, happy republic day Wishes,

Happy Republic Day 2016 Hindi Status for Whatsapp

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Republic Day 2016 Hindi messages for Facebook

Vande Mataram!!
Jindagi maut na banjae,
Sambhalo Yaaro!!
Kho Rha Cheno AMAN!!
Mushkiloon me hai watan..
happy republic day 2015, happy republic day, happy republic day Wishes,

Mera Rangde Basanti Chola Mae Rangde Basanti Chola!!!
Aazadi ko chli behane diwanon ki tolliyan...
Khoon se apne likhdenge hum inqlaab ki boliyan...

Hope you liked Happy Republic Day 2016 Hindi wishes for Whatsapp  amazing stuff related to Happy Republic Day Hindi msgs. For more Happy Republic Day 2016 status for teachers you can keep visiting us. Stay tuned to us more more latest updates and keep sharing on social networking sites like Facebook, Stumble On, Google+ and Twitter.

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  • Happy republic day 2016
  • Happy republic day Whatsapp Wishes
  • Republic day Hindi Whatsapp msgs
  • Republic Day Whatsapp Status

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Republic Day Poem Essay in Hindi, English, Punjabi – 26 January Poem in Telugu Language

Republic Day Poem in Hindi - 26 January Poem in Hindi Language

Firstly we are providing you republic day poem in Hindi language because as we all know that we got our independence on 15th August in 1947 and after that we got republic in full way, mean right know from that time we have the power to govern the govt, so for the special moment from that day we celebrate this day as republic day. Below we have article or republic day poem in Hindi so you can watch below republic day poem in Hindi and yes one more thing that this poem of republic day in Hindi which is listed here is for free to all students and Childs for celebrating republic day – so pick republic day poem in Hindi from here and speak in the front of teachers, principle and all students on republic day.

Republic Day Poem in Hindi 26 January Poem in Hindi Language

Republic Day Poem in Hindi 26 January Poem in Hindi Language-1
Republic Day Poem in Hindi 26 January Poem in Hindi Language-2
Republic Day Poem in Hindi 26 January Poem in Hindi Language-3
Republic Day Poem in Hindi 26 January Poem in Hindi Language-4

Republic Day Poem in English – 26 January Poem in English Language

Republic day is a very important festival in India which is celebrated by all peoples in good manners and also they express their love unity to each other by wishing happy republic day to each other as we already said that in our previous post. So below we have republic day poem in English languge for all school going student and also for all college going students in best way so read our full article and also pick from here republic day poem in English languages which is perfect to celebrating this republic day and also best for saluting to our Indian solder through these republic day poem by singing or sending these poem to them, so browse our republic day poem in English language for free below,

Republic Day Poem in English 26 January Poem in English Language

Republic Day Poem in English 26 January Poem in English Language-1
Republic Day Poem in English 26 January Poem in English Language-2
Republic Day Poem in English 26 January Poem in English Language-3

Republic Day Greeting Cards, Ecards, Scrap, Animates Images

Republic Day Greeting Cards, Ecards, Scrap, Animates Images :- If you are searching for Republic Day 2016, Happy Republic Day, Republic Day Greetings, Republic Day Ecards, Republic Day Scrap, Republic Day Cards, Republic Day Animated Images, Republic Day Animated Photos, then you are in right place here you can get all the latest collection of Republic Day Images, Republic Day Greeting Cards, Republic Day Slogans, Republic Day Inspirational Quotes.

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures
Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

Republic Day Greeting Cards Ecards Scrap Animates Pictures

India is great,
Because it has millions of heroes,
Who protecting the nation,
And they don’t fear to die,
If country need some extra help,
Than all peoples of India get ready to die for India,
We are Indian and we proud for this.....

Do whatever you do,
Think whatever you think,
But don’t hurt your country,
Always keep love bound with country,
And always love to India,
Happy republic day......

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